dimanche 20 avril 2014

MUIBuilder [eng]

Do you know the MUIBuilder software (on Aminet) ?

It's a program which allow you to build GUIs on MUI in a few mouse clicks.

Then, once your creation is complete, a click is enough to get the C/C++ source code.

With GLBlitzQuake, there's a bunch of parameters to enter with the game launching, which is fastidious. For myself, I use these ones :

glquake68k_blitz +map dummy -guardband -particles 64 -hicontrast -gamma 0.7 -bpp 16 -width 640 -height 480 -mem 16 -zone 1024 -audspeed 5513 -bpp 16 -nojoy -nocdaudio -nopsx -litfiles -lm_RGB

To ease in a way the GLQuake configuration, I had realised this small GUI :

Knowing very little of C/C++, did a coder could finish it, that is to say adding the game launch, and some other small adjustements here and there ? Contact me by mail, of course !

(translated by Squaley)

2 commentaires:

  1. Is it fully working? Can you tell how you did it? MUIBuilder allows to design the window. How did you connect it to the GLBlitzQuake?

  2. Yes, fully working !

    I'm ok to send you the C/C++ files done by MUIBuilder and you will see by yourself !

    Just give me your email please...


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